With this 5-day trad climbing camp in Joshua Tree, you’ll learn the following skills:
- Knots: overhand, figure 8, figure 8 follow through, figure 8 on a bite, overhand knot on a bite, double overhand on a bite (“BHK”), double barrel stopper knot.
- Hitches: clove hitch, girth hitch, auto-block.
- Anchoring skills: placing trad gear, equalizing, tying the master point (various knots)
- Belaying skills: safety checks, belaying with assisted belay devices
- Rappelling skills: rappelling with friction hitch back up, “fireman’s belay”, single line rappel with GriGri.
The “soft skills” you’ll learn and cover include:
- Exploring the value and purpose of recreational rock climbing (sport vs. (climbing) practice)
- How to create a fun climbing trip for yourself and others
- How to set up a rock site so that you and your friends have the most fun
- How to camp and recreate successfully in a national park
- How to recreate with a light ecological footprint, while employing “leave no trace” principles